Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our condolences to our Pres. Cory Aquino

Our wish to extend our heartfelt condolences on da bereavement caused by da untimely death of our Pres. Cory Aquino. I pray 4 her soul 2 rest in peace & for the family of Aquino 2 regain strength frm dis.

Happy Monthsary!

August 10 ,2009

We are from 2 same worlds: Irene is from the world of computers.Roscar is from the world of computers. We are a happy couple. We are enjoying our lives, at the same time, exploring and trying to find the home of our careers.

Happy B-day Roscar

August 9 ,2009

Birthday messages from Friends:

Melchor Minguito: "Gud mrning bai. Happy bday sau. God bless u and ur family. I wish u good health and guidance from heaven in all ur plans."
Rizalyn: "Hapi bday dong!"
Annalie: "Hapi bday dong! libre naman jan hehehehe"
Denise Henderson Smith: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSCAR!!!"
Ekai Choong: "Happy Birthday!"

Birthday message from Renz(NG):

Renz(NG): "Hapi Birthday noy! love you!"

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